
System shock stop enemies spawning level 3
System shock stop enemies spawning level 3

system shock stop enemies spawning level 3

I would just play on normal though and spend the points wisely.

system shock stop enemies spawning level 3

Easy can be good for a first play though as it will shower you with cyber modules and you can experiment on a useful character build as you play, spending point on irrelevant trees to your play style. Normal will allow you to full max pretty much everything in several skills tress by the end.

system shock stop enemies spawning level 3

To upgrade fully the hack, std weapons, and all the stats (agility, etc) by the end you need to play on normal or lower difficulty. The primary difference between the difficulty levels is the amount of cyber modules you get. Otherwise an endless stream of enemies will come until the security alert times out. Do not walk in front of them without hacking a security computer first, then destroy them, unless you have a gun then just that to snipe the cameras. Yes you have set off the security cameras.

System shock stop enemies spawning level 3